Valentine's Day Hop Presenter info

Kendall Sarah Scott

Cosmic Smash Book Teacher in the tradition of Intentional Creativity and Creative Depth Coaching offers inner artful journeys as the path of Creative Art and Soul. 

Session: Celebrate the opening of our Valentine's Day Cosmic Smash Booking Hop with an exploration of your Beautiful Balloon as our hearts begin to soar thru our inner skies.

8am PT | 11am ET | 5pm CET | 3am AEDT (Next Day)

Zoom Info:

Meeting ID: 894 8551 7756

Dial by your location: Find your local number here.

Jo Soen

Artist of the Spirit coach and Cosmic Smashbook teacher in training, Jo masquerades as an office manager by day while secretly scheming up smashbooking workshops at night. Her dream is to contribute to the creation of a world where every single person is fully supported to express the very best of who they are.

Session: Secret Admirer! In this session we will be playing with the idea of a secret admirer. What about you is secretly admirable? What qualities in others have you secretly admired and why? What if life itself is secretly admiring you right now? In this Cosmic Smashbook session we will be crafting a secret love message. To whom? Come along to the session to find out! 

10am PT | 1pm ET | 7pm CET | 5am AEDT (Next Day)

Zoom Info:

Meeting ID: 922 215 1934

Passcode: S87Ce7

Dial by your location:

Meeting ID: 922 215 1934

Passcode: 410160

Dial by your location: Find your local number here.

Taliesyn Jax-Wycoff

Artist inspired by life and the hidden messages that pop up when you least expect it. Cosmic Smashbook Teacher in Training, having had healed her self enough she desires to take the CSB movement out into the world to make a global shift in our self love, human environmental impact on our ecosystem and manifesting peace love and forgiveness for our entire universe.

Session: Part 1 of a 26 part weekly series looking at areas that need a shifting of energy one letter of the alphabet at a time. On Valentine’s it all about the letter A and the Italian Auto Amore! AKA self love. Please come show up at the page with us and our sacred fellowship of deepening women and discuss self love and what that looks like for us.

12pm PT | 3pm ET | 9pm CET | 7am AEDT (Next Day)

Zoom Info:

Meeting ID: 788 910 0956

Passcode: CSB

Dial by your location: Find your local number here.

Linda Allen

Linda Allen is a certified Red Thread Guide, a certified Intentional Creativity Teacher, Color of Woman graduate 2019, and a certified Cosmic SmashBook Teacher and guide. She specializes in creating with whatever is at hand and thinking out of the box to get to where you want to go, don’t wait till everything’s just right. Just remember to breathe and keep moving forward!

Session: This session will be the culmination of our 4 day Valentine Extravaganza. A show and tell and sharing of what you did for yourself and what random act of kindness you did for others to let them know you care. And what you can do going forward for yourself and others no matter what situation you are in, even a smile can make someone’s day! To sign up for the first three days, go here

2pm PT | 5pm ET | 11pm CET | 9am AEDT (Next Day)

Zoom Info: 

Meeting ID: 811 3901 4335

Passcode: 490315

Dial by your location: Find your local number here.

Natalie Garnica

Natalie Garnica is a creative, spiritual, female entrepreneur in service of a better world through self-love. She supports women to deepen their spiritual practice so they can get clear on their soul purpose and how to embody it in their everyday life.

She understands that Self Love with spiritual guidance is the key to a thriving business and life. When we are fully connected with our self and know how to radiate that love out, then we are able to show up as a leader.

Her mission is to support women to become powerful leaders in their own life by trusting and loving themselves enough so that they can shine fiercely, dream big, and become the change they want to see in the world.

Session: We will be looking into our family, ancestors, and ourselves to see where we get to forgive, who we get to honor, and how we get to release past traumas so we can deepen our ability to love.

4pm PT | 7pm ET | 1am CET | 11am AEDT (Next Day)

Zoom Info:

Meeting ID: 918 1636 3149

Dial by your location: Find your local number here.

Tracey Lee Gatlin

Tracey Lee Gatlin is a Cosmic Smash Booking Teacher & Freedom Coach. Creativity has saved, delighted, and transformed Tracey throughout her adult life. She believes in the healing & liberating power of creative expression. That’s why Tracey is so passionate about freeing creative hearts to design their own heART remedies, expressive art made of magic, medicine and mystery.

Session: Love-up Your Creative Heart!

>Take a gentle inner journey to connect with your heart to receive wisdom and direction.
>Create a personalized Cosmic Smash Booking page as a love letter to your creative self.
>Gain clarity for fostering more inspiration and creative confidence.
>Practice being led by your intuition & Muse, rather than being blocked by your inner critic.
>Enjoy warm connection with like-hearted souls in a safe space for all of your feelings.

6pm PT | 9pm ET | 3am CET | 1pm AEDT (Next Day)

Zoom Info:

Meeting ID: 851 8670 2307

Dial by your location: Find your local number here.